Introduction to Ice Bath Hygiene:
Ice baths have a wide array of health benefits such as boosting recovery, aiding fat loss and improving your mental health but like everything it is important to keep them clean as otherwise it can have a negative impact on your health. This is as if kept unclean for long periods, ice baths can start to grow mould and bacteria which can lead to illness. In addition, if you don’t maintain your ice bath it will lead to damages, and you may need to replace it earlier than expected.
Do not worry as ice baths are relatively simple to maintain. There are just a few key things you need to bear in mind such as ensuring you empty the water regularly, keeping the lid on when not in use and adding chlorine or bromine tablets for that extra layer of protection.
Throughout this blog we will discuss the importance of maintaining a clean ice bath, how often you should change the water and clean your ice bath as well as some general tips for extending the lifespan of your ice bath.
The Importance of Keeping Your Ice Bath Clean and Maintained:
Here we will explore some of the key reasons why it is important to keep your ice bath clean and maintained:
Hygienic- if you don’t keep your ice baths clean, they are likely to act as a breeding ground for mould and bacteria which could make you ill. remember, still water is bad water!
Enjoyable experience- if the water appears murky and dirty it not only can make you ill but also generally uncomfortable when in the ice bath and put you off using it.
Reduced effectiveness- if you don’t maintain your ice bath well it can lead to damages to its material which could impact its ability to insulate the water. This is vital as if the water is above 21 °C you will no longer be experiencing cold water immersion. Therefore, you won’t experience the health benefits related to cold water immersion.
Preparing Yourself for an Ice Bath:
Safety precautions before getting into an ice bath:
1. Splash cold water over your face to prepare your nervous system for the
shock that’s about to happen.
2. Immerse yourself gradually, do not just immediately fully submerge
3. Don’t be too focussed on being in there for a specific amount of time
on your first few attempts as it can be quite challenging at first.
Monitor your body and if you feel any dizziness or unusual symptoms
leave the ice bath immediately and seek medical attention.
4. Never alone- when new to this practice make sure you have someone else
nearby just in case.
5. Warm clothes- have warm clothes and a towel nearby.
Wear shoes whilst walking to the ice bath, especially important if you have your ice bath outside. As, if you walk barefoot, you will likely collect additional debris and dirt on your feet which will be taken with you into the ice bath.
Showers- if you want to keep the water clean for as long as possible have a shower every time before using the ice bath. As this will remove any sweat or dirt from your body.
Sieve- if your ice bath water has any unwanted debris or dirt floating inside you can remove these using a kitchen sieve or a small goldfish net.
Keeping the lid on your ice bath again is particularly important for those of you who keep your ice baths outdoors. This will prevent any leaves or rubbish getting blown into your ice bath. As well as helping to further insulate your ice bath and maintain its nice cool temperature.
Use of a chiller– An ice bath chiller comes with a built-in pump system to ensure the water remains moving and does not become stagnant. They also come with a built-in filtration system which can move any dirt or debris from the water. Generally, if you leave an ice bath chiller running regularly it will allow you to extend the life span of the water by 2-3 weeks. Also, a chiller will allow you to take control of your ice bath temperature and enjoy dips as cold as 3°C.
Using Sanitary products– such as bromine tablets. This is not essential but may be something that some of you want to consider minimising the risk of any bacteria or fungi growth.
How often should you change the water?
Don’t worry you don’t have to change the water after every dip. It is recommended that you change the water once a week to keep it hygienic. This is as if left in for too long the water quality can decline due to the sweat and dirt left over after every dip. So by changing the water frequently you are preventing the growth of bacteria and mould.
If you use a chiller and chlorine tablets the water will only need to be changed once every 3-4 weeks.
Cleaning Procedures and Best Practices:
Cleaning an ice bath is nothing complex and is the same procedure no matter what material it is made from. We would recommend just using a hose and some hot soapy water every time you empty it. However, a hose down would also be sufficient as long as you give it a deep clean with hot soapy water at least once a month. Additionally if you leave it outside empty for a prolonged period it would be advisable to give it a quick clean before filling it up.
Dealing with Common Issues and Concerns:
If you don’t clean your ice bath for a prolonged period of time and start to see some mould or bacteria growth on it. You should empty the water out and give it a thorough scrub with any non abrasive detergents and then hose it down after to wash away any remaining bacteria or mould. Once it has been cleaned make sure you develop a schedule of emptying the water every week and giving it a quick wash down with hot soapy water.
Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Ice Bath:
Place your ice bath on flat smooth surfaces- to prevent any sharp objects ripping the material.
Don’t stand on it– when folding it up to transport as you may damage it.
Use the lid- As mentioned earlier, keep the lid on when you aren’t using it to prevent any dirt or leaves getting into the ice bath.
Clean- the ice bath with hot soapy water at least once every month.
Chiller- it is important that you don’t only clean out your ice bath but your chiller as well. Once a month you should fill your ice bath up with hot soapy water and turn the chiller on, leaving it running for at least 20 minutes. After this you should detach the filter from the chiller and give it a scrub with hot soapy water to remove any trapped debris.
Test Strips– you should always try to use a chemical test strip after adding any chemicals such as bromine and chlorine to your ice bath. This ensures that the levels of chemicals in the ice bath are safe for you and the ice bath. This is important as frequent high chlorine or bromine levels in the ice bath can lead to damages especially with our inflatable models.
Wooden Ice Bath- if your ice bath is made from wood, you should always ensure that it is full with water or kept moist as when wood dries it can shrink and become cracked. Cracks in your ice bath could lead to leakages.
Natural Alternatives to Chlorine or Bromine:
Ozone Sanitization:
If you are looking for a more skin and environmentally friendly alternative to chlorine or bromine you can use an ozone sanitisation device. This is a device that will add ozone gas (a naturally occurring gas in earth’s atmosphere) to the water which will kill any bacteria or algae in the water. Once introduced to the water, ozone gas quickly converts into oxygen, so you don’t need to worry about bathing in any chemicals.
Our Chillax and ThermoChill ice bath models come with a built-in ozone sanitation system.
UV Sanitization:
A chemical free alternative is using a UV device which emits light that will penetrate bacteria and algae cells in the water neutralising or killing them.
Overall, the most important factor when it comes to cleaning your ice bath is that the water is changed every week and if you are using a chiller or adding bromine or chlorine to the water this can be extended to once every 3-4 weeks.
It’s important to keep your ice bath clean to avoid any nasty bacteria or mould that could make you sick. Plus, you want to have a comfortable experience. Let’s face it, nobody likes getting into a dirty ice bath.
It’s best to switch the water every week (if you aren’t using any cleaning products at all it could be shorter!) to keep it fresh and clean unless you have a chiller which then means you can change the water every 3-4 weeks.
If you are looking to keep the water in your ice bath cleaner for longer it is advised that you add bromine or chlorine granules regularly as well as using a chiller.
Bromine is a much more skin friendly alternative than chlorine due to it having less of an impact on the pH of the water. However, if you want a natural alternative, you can use an ozone sanitizer which will use ozone gas which is a naturally occurring gas in Earth’s atmosphere to kill any bacteria or fungi in the ice bath.
You can extend your ice bath’s lifespan by ensuring that you place your ice bath down on a smooth surface free of sharp objects, place the lid on your ice bath when you are not using it, clean it monthly and frequently check for any damage especially the seals.