Athletic Recovery
Why Ice Baths? – Pain
Written by
Conor Sheehan
Conor Sheehan
August 5, 2024

A Scientific Overview of cold exposure therapy techniques for pain and inflammation

Cold exposure has been shown to help reduce pain for both acute and chronic conditions including arthritis and fibromyalgia. This is as cold exposure lowers skin temperature which slows nerve conduction velocity as well as releasing beta endorphins and adrenaline which has analgesic effects. Here’s a comprehensive overview of scientific research on cold exposure techniques and pain:

1. Study – Cold Water Immersion Alleviates Pain to Promote Quality of Life in Indonesian with Gout Arthritis: A Community-based Randomised Controlled Trial.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cold-water immersion on pain, joint mobility, physical activity, stress, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in acute gout patients.


Cold water therapy can be used to aid gout arthritis management by reducing inflammation. This reduces pain, which increases physical activity and decreases stress, anxiety, and sadness.


Cold water therapy has been shown to alleviate pain and improve quality of life in those living with chronic pain.

(Kurniasari et al, 2022)

2. Study- Cold intervention for relieving migraine symptoms: A systematic review and metaanalysis.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of cold intervention for relieving migraine symptoms.


Cryotherapy will cause a reduction in skin temperature which will reduce the speed of nerve conductions increasing the pain threshold.


Cold intervention is an effective regimen to reduce migraine pain instantly. More research is needed on the long-term effects of cryotherapy on migraines. 

(Hsu et al, 2023)

3. Study- Cryotherapy in Knee Arthroplasty: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


The goal of this study was to review the literature on the efficacy of cryotherapy in knee arthroplasty. 


It can be concluded that cryotherapy is indicated to reduce pain in the postoperative period of knee arthroplasty. 

(Krampe et al, 2023)

4. Study- Shall we use cryotherapy in the treatment in surgical procedures, in acute pain or injury, or in long term pain or dysfunction? – A systematic review.


This review aimed to evaluate the certainty of evidence for the use of cryotherapy in patients with musculoskeletal disorders and post-surgical patients.


A reduction in temperature blocks the nociception, pain signals, within the spinal cord.


 It can be concluded that cryotherapy can be used safely to relieve acute and chronic pain in those with musculoskeletal disorders.

(Klintberg et al, 2021)


In summary, these studies highlight strong scientific evidence supporting the use of cold exposure to help alleviate pain in a variety of conditions such as gout arthritis, migraines, and post knee arthroplasty. Additionally, they demonstrate how helping to alleviate pain for people with these conditions can significantly improve their quality of life.


1. Kurniasari, M. D., Monsen, K. A., Weng, S. F., Yang, C. Y., & Tsai, H. T. (2022). Cold Water Immersion Directly and Mediated by Alleviated Pain to Promote Quality of Life in Indonesian with Gout Arthritis: A Community-based Randomized Controlled Trial. Biological research for nursing, 24(2), 245–258.

2. Hsu, Y. Y., Chen, C. J., Wu, S. H., & Chen, K. H. (2023). Cold intervention for relieving migraine symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of clinical nursing, 32(11-12), 2455–2465.

3. Krampe, P. T., Bendo, A. J. P., Barros, M. I. G., Bertolini, G. R. F., & Buzanello Azevedo, M. R. (2023). Cryotherapy in Knee Arthroplasty: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Therapeutic hypothermia and temperature management, 13(2), 45–54.

4. Klintberg, I. H., & Larsson, M. E. (2021). Shall we use cryotherapy in the treatment in surgical procedures, in acute pain or injury, or in long term pain or dysfunction? – A systematic review. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 27, 368–387.

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